Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nepal Political Map

Nepal lies between Asia and China. Being a southern Asian country Nepal has a total population of 28,901,790, as per July 2007 estimate. The map of Nepal locates the 14 administrative zones of the country. Also, the Nepal map highlights the significant trekking areas, politically important areas and flag of the country. The Kathmandu Nepal is the capital city of the country. As one of the popular tourist destinations, Nepal is visited by large number of people every year. The Nepal trekking options provide the tourists an opportunity to explore the natural splendors of the place. Royal Nepal Airlines is the country's international airways.

Nepal is a country in the Indian sub-continental region. Nepal facts include many interesting characteristics of the country. The most interesting of all facts about Nepal is that the country is home to the 10 highest mountain peaks in the world.

A compilation of Nepal facts reveals the great biodiversity of the country. The fact about Nepal is that the country exhibits a healthy variety of ethnicities in its population. The Hindu religion is followed by the majority of the Nepalese populace. 90% of the population is Hindu. Buddhists form a significant minority at 5%. There is a smattering of Muslims and persons following other religions. Nepali is the official language of the country. The local currency is the Nepali Rupee. Electricity supply is 230 volts at 50 Hertz or 230V 50Hz. The country dialing code by telephone is 977. The time is obtained by adding 5.75 to the Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal.

The elevation of the country range from a low of 60 meters above sea level to the extreme heights of Mount Everest-8,850 meters. The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu. The total land area of Nepal is 140,800 square kilometers. The land area is 136,800 square kilometers. The area covered by various water bodies cover 4,000 square kilometers. The population of Nepal is more than 26 million people. Climatic variations exist in the country.

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